Paranormal Hauntings
Simon went off the beaten track to see what the big deal was about the house dubbed on social media as the Blair Witch House. . A Few urban explorers I know of have fleeted the location in terror after they heard noises coming from upstairs. It was mentioned they actually thought a sheep had some how managed to get up stairs only for them to go up to find nothing. Another urban explorer took an image of what looks like a face on a door. . Rachel and I tried to debunk and recreate the image presuming it was just a perfectly timed smear on the glass that produced it. . We couldn't replicate the image after 40 to 50 attempts. . Various strange items had been in the house. . One was a chickens foot hanging in the attic? we believe to be for protection, another item was found in a wardrobe. A huge rat was cut in half and at the location. . It can't have been killed at the location as there was no blood. . It wasn't killed by an animal as the sliced section was too clean a cut; and to be honest what animal would leave it? Well that was my line of thinking. . . . . There were bat's hanging in the attic in some kind of trance hibernation? They didn't move when I prodded them. Interesting place which one particular room was significantly colder then the rest.